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Kerberos authentication for X-Mosaic 2.4 and NCSA HTTPD

I've implemented kerberos 4 mutual authentication in NCSA's httpd and Mosaic
for X 2.4.  I did this in a manner that attempts to be true to the HTTP
documents I found at CERN, and to what was already in libwww.  Virtually all
of the Mosaic modifications are in libwww.  The code is what I would call
beta quality; I hope to have it ready for production in a few weeks (in time
for the start of Columbia's school year).

Unfortunately, the spec I found did not seem to be designed with mutual
authentication in mind, so I had to add a MIME header which httpd sends back
to the client, containing the server's side of the mutual autentication
conversation.  Essentially, the dialog looks like what's specified in


except that the client sends

    Authorization: KerberosV4 <client half of mutual auth encoded in ascii>

and the server sends back in the requested document's MIME headers

    WWW-Authenticate: KerberosV4 <server side of mutual auth>

Right now, if the server does not authenticate to the client properly I just
throw out a warning message.

If anyone is interested in this, please let me know.  I'd like to hand the
libwww mods back to CERN: there were already some kerberos placeholders in
libwww.  In fact, the code in libwww clashes slightly with what's in the HTTP
headers document: the headers document says that the Authorization line
should say "kerberos kerberosauthenticationparameters", but the libwww code
expects to see "KerberosV4" or "KerberosV5".

Ben Fried
Academic Information Systems
Columbia University
